Privacy Policy


At The PieceMakers, your privacy is super important to us. This Privacy Policy is here to help you understand how we use and protect your information when you visit our website.

What Information Do We Collect?

When you visit our website, we may collect some information through cookies. These little pieces of data help us improve your experience. Here’s what we collect:

  1. Cookie Data: We use cookies to:
    • Keep our newsletter up to date with what you might be interested in.
    • Track the performance of our website to make it better for you.

How Do We Use Your Information?

We only use your information for two main purposes:

  1. Newsletter: We’ll use cookie data to tailor our newsletters to your interests. This helps us send you content you’ll love.
  2. Website Performance: Cookies help us see how our website is doing. This means we can fix any issues and make the site more enjoyable for you.

Your Rights

Under GDPR, you have certain rights regarding your personal data:

  • Access: You can ask us what data we have about you.
  • Correction: If your information is incorrect, you can ask us to fix it.
  • Erasure: You can ask us to delete your data.
  • Restriction: You can ask us to limit how we use your data.
  • Objection: You can object to us using your data.
  • Data Portability: You can ask us to send your data to another company.

If you want to exercise any of these rights, just contact us at

Keeping Your Data Safe

We take your privacy seriously and have put measures in place to keep your information safe. Only authorized personnel can access your data, and we make sure it’s kept secure.

Changes to This Policy

We might update this Privacy Policy from time to time to keep it fresh and accurate. If we make any big changes, we’ll let you know by posting a notice on our website.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or how we handle your data, feel free to reach out to us at

Thanks for trusting us with your information. We’re committed to protecting your privacy and making your experience with us awesome!

Best, The PieceMakers Team

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